Conscious Nutrition

Conscious Nutrition

TS Skin Clinic Spa

Conscious Nutrition

Conscious Nutrition

If you are ready to dive deeper into the relationship with yourself and have food be ONE small part of it, I am so excited to meet and co-create with you. Working with the causes of the weight imbalance is my specialty. If you are a person who wants to be connected to their nutrition process by liberating yourself from following restricted programs for the rest of your life, welcome to the Conscious Nutrition. The intention of your process is for you to feel more fully connected and free in your body. Learning about yourself is a consistent journey and expanding your consciousness on how you are responsible to yourself IS the program. When you enhance and shift your mindset, then the facts are easier to clarify. We don’t get there; we are already there. Past programming, old beliefs, habits, and resistance can hold us back from feeling self-trust. As you observe your unfolding, shifting of beliefs, feeling new feelings and discover what truly nourishes you, your program will develop right before your eyes. Some of the Heart Work tools we use to help you feel into your nutrition program are meditation, visualization, experiments with different modalities and specific foods, writing exercises, journaling, energy healing. $100 (60 mins)